Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cinematic Orchestra Free Sheet Music

F. MD '11 .09

eggs are not equal.

Just read "a friend of mine gave diffusion-shocking news: a lady named Stephanie - Stephanie , but I would write in my language when I please, "leading a group of such, he is winning a multimillion-dollar lawsuit to Wal-Mart in the U.S.. UU. "He's winning." The U.S. court decides the case yet, but will appear in favor of them. And of course, makes good vibes demagogic chorus: "Good news, good news, another step forward in gender equality, long live the joy." Or maybe the celebration. They call him. Gender equality.

The scary thing is that the ladies do not win or lose the lawsuit. If they do, the pay for all: the respondent has sufficient power market to influence the retail prices of products sold, which at this time does not matter to those who applaud the matter, I suppose they are not aware of how it happens, "and indeed need not, however, then , when you go to any super-super, I'll lean on my salsa seeing them claim the extra spending, or the lack of available, and only a few, very few, if they manage to link the two events, say something stupid like "Equal Gender has no price, credit taste! " "But none of these hypothetical vigilantes earn the minimum wage, of course. The scary thing, we said, it is not like or dislike such transnational legal coup-deserved hit, no doubt, this and many others: what makes my neck hairs standing on end is the clear contradiction between the political and social demand, as bandied about, and nomination itself. "Gender Equality."

We can say that every part of the translation, of course. Gender equity -o Equality - English, overlapping into the language of Cervantes. Comidita, easy, lose, everyone happy, and that is not a retrograde sexist discriminator. But no, hear. Gender , in fact, translates as gender, in almost every sense of grammar, except in one particular sex, including the English word, not in Castilian. A gringo passport says " Gender: Male, Female " is fine. We talk like stupid, no.

However, the translation is mere artifice. Finally, each who speaks as he wants, or can, and to a lesser or greater effort can understand. The case is the reality expressed: indeed be interpreted as a battle of the sexes, the demandilla that. As if the arbitrariness, opportunism, convenience and discrimination were exclusive to men and women, poor victims of masculinity. Will be no: they are human qualities, and I know any women who do not take advantage, when he can and knows how to use-which is almost always blessed god. Here is the sample took their case took the path of the fool cool season, and they are out of pearls. But one thing is that managers impart justice in accordance with the laws, if they do, "and another buy the shit and lies: the background of this lawsuit is not the fight against discrimination, is money. And nothing else. In terms of job competition, I do not know the details of the lawsuit and the aftershocks, but the company may well argue an obvious truth: the ladies agreed to provide services in an amount, if later found the male colleagues sold more expensive, as bad luck, to sell better next time, as any man has to do when you feel the same. And like any man, ending accepting low-paying jobs, when pressed and heavier to carry money to the house training and professional pride. THAT is fair competition and equality.

And all this, if equality is "a little to the employees of work-cleaning, grooming, and other crafts socially seen as demeaning jobs, especially in the U.S.. UU .- going to play a piece identical to that of the former management assistants, such as Stephanie? I think not. I think there gender equality - " 1. M . set of beings who have one or more common characteristics. " says DRAE-, will not weigh as much, eh? Rather, I will ask to be distributed according to their income level while working at the company, or the present, some still work there, or as the amount of money you have got to demand, or are you to know. Up to the alleged desire each has thrown him will want to cling to demand their eggs in the spoils. And even then, you will see with jealousy that pulls the biggest-those who do not know, or do not have available, go to Wal-Mart and grab a couple to check: no two are alike. And if that between eggs, imagine what will be the case when it comes time to fight the basket.

Manuel Emilio Castillo Silva.
Lomas Verdes, on April 6, 2011.


Mentidero of Fallacies. Virgilio Sofistófeles . That


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