Saturday, April 30, 2011

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F. MD '11 .12

Those good times of crisis. III

The SME doing damage in the City The PRI caucus of Congress deliciously maneuvering to avoid penalties to its ally, the environmentalist Green, and postponing the reforms the PRI caucus never wanted to do. The people whining about insecurity in the country, while still being fraudulent and crafty. Municipalities and states that were thought to PRD or PAN, electing candidates of the revolutionary recontra institutionally kicks me to continue assigning the case to pluck what has not. Legal impossibility to elect independent candidates. The stage is in handy: the PRI will win the presidential election of 2012, again in the polls. Again. As in 1994-maybe his only win votes at that level in three or four decades.

not going to win because the governments National Action Party president have been destructive, especially that of Fox, and, unlike Calderon, who has only been very bad indeed that of the president was nefastísimo Chente , but not all your fault (how far an imbecile be blamed for acting idiotically?): We also work in the democratic opportunity wasted. Nor by remnants of the 2006-election conflict with grace remember the "vote by vote, precinct by precinct": When the EP and satellite erre did give his grace in the capital's main square, demanding "unanimity" in the "legitimate choice" when or unanimity or milk, there was at least one said No, on the one hand, and there is proof of how seriously it took the other: the Peje wanting to participate in the elections of 2012, is not that re on its own terms, or are we applauding the law will be valid only when you? -. The tricolor party will win by the same reason that the parties of the Mexican national soccer remains the most watched in Mexico when broadcast on television: we strive to remain stupid.

going to win because Peña Nieto is handsome, married to a public-that is, public figurine, not prostitute: that do not know, nor do I care to find out, "and has filled the time slots for five years. It was not the only one: I still do not know, never read a statement about "why it was important that the government of Tamaulipas was announced at the national level, rather than from a few days ago, it would very interesting to listen to sr. former governor promoting itself with the mass graves that have been there a few months. Nor did the deputies and senators have thrown want to hide only the chief working-Diego had this occurrence, and you see, even said he had kidnapped, but I was alone there in the legislative chamber, insurance was not much to work the good of the country, "to what they have and have thrown the budget can get is to promote themselves, and perhaps make a few thousand votes, who they could be put in my face? Ensure that their livelihoods. going to win because in the recent 23 years we have complained about the economic crisis forgetting what really was an economic crisis and we forgot, incidentally, who came to teach how it was given, what were the reasons and how to throw eggs, and why. going to win because, for example, for years, some miners from Zacatecas kept a vigil outside the offices of the governor of that state, then occupied (so to speak) by Amalia Garcia, miraculously lifted by agreement on again be elected PRI, though, this is like the way, Penoles is poisoning the air in Fresno, and "The Peñasquito" continue to operate through the indiscriminate exploitation of water wells, with the drought not complete (we ran out of Quezada who make it rain) -. Montiel will win because they only lost the opportunity to be a candidate for the presidential nomination in 2005, not freedom to be arrested and prosecuted for illicit enrichment, among other things. Will win because his party will promote the "punishment vote" against the PAN, spurring especially references to "collateral damage" of the "war on drugs"-which is neither war, by the way: only the display Fecalhino that masks the increasing militarization of the country, since it implied taking, and evident from the first budget submitted expenses, approved by all parties in defense and marine items, "not to mention in passing or the social devacle we live these days in the country is the result of being cast aside 16 years ago, those two million families mentioned in the first part of this series - what they thought they would do, left to starve? No chance of anything (not just work, school, and growth, but even eating), learned to survive- . In short, the PRI will win the presidential election in Mexico in 2012 because the Mexicans live morally at ease in the chiefdom, for centuries. Simply, we love us assholes in corruption.

"Welfare for your family, "the slogan of 1994. now, what will be" Livin '"?" Moterroso was right? PRI's political strength has always been a product of our misery.

Manuel Emilio Castillo Silva.
Lomas Verdes, 29 April 2011.


Mentidero of Fallacies. Sofistófeles Virgilio .


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