Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hiv Tests In The Army 2010

F. MD '11 .08

unknown who know too much.

I have a neighbor - what, exactly, that have? only live there, where he lives near my house, casually, of whom I speak this week. Rather, he'll tell you something, it strikes me a find on it, recently discovered by me: I found a profile of him on the Internet. Since we're on the accuracy this afternoon, worth pointing out that I have not, I have not had, nor have I will never, this is very concise, explanations, define, or the case.

She is very pretty. Madura, in his thirty long, graceful, attractive, professional. For years, he passed by his house, I saw, almost always at the same time range at your computer through the window. I know his name, because I asked for more a decade, when first moving to these parts, and beyond, we had no personal contact whatsoever. What I like about it is how he treats his dog, a wheat farmer well-educated, clean, healthy, the left-not live alone, a husband and two children live together with her, take a walk down the street, alone, in knowing the animal or has to go far, not one bite to pedestrian or car chase, this, never when it is in season: at the time the carefully-maintained and lovingly guess, I have never heard barking like dogs do when are neglected or relegated. Seeing how he treats his dog, the woman I know well, either way with people.

And this is where I jump the goats. Another chance, another series of random events, where there were many previous clicks, all without specific intent, "made me with that profile, to bias, it contradicts what I think of it subjectively, that is, that it is a good woman. His name, for starters, not his name, but I can not call nick, where it seems a name in itself, and he responds: alias, maybe. Marital status, on the other hand, do not agree: single is far from married with children. Your age, curiously, perhaps it is the same, if perhaps one or two years, who cares. His interests and ways rather than available ready, not look anything like the seriousness with which I have been behaving all this time, never a lover, say cleaning girls, never a mess relative, or a bad situation with the neighbors. An exemplary woman, say the gossips. And boy, yes, exemplary and admirable, I say, now that I know that other part of it, poured in cyberspace. Also, why put photos. A woman of flag-though this is already admired him, for 13 years, and even now.

These differences, in fact, I do not make a dent, or impair the concept that I have. Complete it, yes, and recasts. I've come to know more, in those two hours I spent in your page of what life would have known about it: I know he likes spicy food, but not hot, I know that your favorite music, which has not heard a single note out of his house, is the pop English, particularly in the nineties. I do not care for world peace and those murgas. I would like to participate in a threesome ... with two other girls, though, and is very specific about it, "Do not do the ugly in a cute boy, when given the chance."

(Can you readers to judge someone by their spelling? To me, I love to see that write the precise word).

And, even though I'm turning, I find no way to give moral prejudice of course to demand that people are made of one piece with a single speech accordingly, and also forced to hold, in deeds and words, all the time, which is to say all the time -. What if she is unfaithful, and it is in its way, siéndose other, which is nothing but itself? Me is more important in a person who prefers to die how many people are necessary, but your dog is loved and healthy.

believe now, this information, in other hands, how much damage it could, how could obtain personal benefit blackmail who decide, for the face with the alleged duplicity? Fantasize also the enormous possibilities and modes of conversation with her, letting her know. The fantasizing, just because I have never taken place, and I never will be mine: I've seen today, in passing, in his window on the computer. And I could not but smile pleased to remind you to keep the secret. A secret that to remain effective, it requires never know.

Manuel Emilio Castillo Silva.
Lomas Verdes, on March 31, 2011.


Mentidero of Fallacies . Virgilio Sofistófeles .


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