Thursday, April 21, 2011

Can You Use Amlactin On Your Face

F. MD '11 .11

Those good times of crisis. II

boasted my good fortune to be born in time to live peor crisis económica en México de los últimos 80 años, hasta el momento, pero no tan a tiempo de tener que hacerme cargo de mí mismo -aunque eso también fue buena suerte: mis padres resultaron ser personas responsables con sus hijos, no todos contamos con ellos-. Pude, por tanto, aprovechar mi infancia para aprender algunas cosas adultas, poco a poco, como inflación, escasez, opciones: cómo no leer, si los libros ya-están -ahí y son divertidos, mientras que el parque de diversiones, el cine y los viajes de vacaciones suceden de-una-vez-por-todas , y cada suceso, cuesta dinero (los tuve, también: insisto que fui de los afortunados at that time, it meant that I understand my joys than hardships imposed limitations, those who raised me). Read, then only required-and requires-conditions, time and patience, and desire. Read follow me now that no one gives me, and instead I have to give and take charge, which is very precious to me: good luck included responsibility.

But what. Not everyone had the same fate, of course, much less the same desire, to take responsibility. On Monday of last week, members of the Mexican Electricians Union (SME, its acronym, Esmé, their slogan oral) were given the task of destroying a few shops and facilities of the Federal District, and to my surprise, was the Defe police intervened and made some arrests, symbolic and without much effort: where they were going to put 2 000 people for vandalism. Yes, that same police that a month and half ago they opened the pass in the streets of the socket-not to prevent riot, but that people offended by the disturbance to see the busy street where mass transit were not set out to show anger, quiet and looks away, turn around and say nothing, the idea. His pretext of the union, demanding the right to life purchased by purchasing jobs in Luz y Fuerza del Centro, now defunct, "yet now defunct. The right to work six hours a week, and collect sixties plus benefits. The right to make devils-direct illegal connections to electricity, "to borrow money" pal soda "when they get to do a repair, to charge the treasury personal expenses by the per diem. The right to do nothing more than demand, ever more, if you are quiet, without making a fuss. The right to Modes formed during the PRI, which are the ways Mexicans: arrangement, trades, scam, bísness (of business ). I quote the words of my friend a few weeks ago we saw happen, threatening, but the next day the newspapers sympathetic to the Federal District government is not even mentioned the annoying-qualifier: "Almost none of them realizes his is a place for corruption, as almost all of them bought their place or inherited. " Well, now, and realize all, at least all vandalized in the middle, and still free, ladies included, the crime is very egalitarian.

In all these days, every time I was in the socket, did not see them doing anything but napping, collecting signatures of support ("Lady, I signed a month ago these pages, lied to a-what the hell I will sign this shit, "" Never mind, sign it again, and better, "your reply) that firms are more at peace than I have let me hurry popsicles-doubt sell them to go for health checks on food sales but, who cares about the health checks in the historic center? - and
watching television-connected with a devil: I repeat, yours is yours. However, the judge, by descagalar a bit of the city where they live. Poor things, just expressing their frustration. The kids.

For me, I have very clear my response to their demands:


Mentidero of Fallacies. Virgilio Sofistófeles .


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