Thursday, May 5, 2011

Troubles With Taking Out Earring Stud

F. MD '11 .13

Change Women's team: Barbie goes, comes Tube.

I just remembered a joke, I used a few years ago about politics: "The men in the bathroom talking about three things: football, politics and women: do not know football, policy is wrong, and women make up stories. " We may now turn to what is its wording sexist-degrades male, but has its counterpart, expeditiously, "the implied distrust and suspicion, the new policy: It is, indeed, like most good jokes, a metaphysical marvel and this sum also deontological-this little word so beautiful it took Ramon-of socially correct "shut up, laugh (at your insides) and do not believe anyone", adding, that the context connotations: "Of course, do not speak, the hearing is ruled out in advance where prejudice prevails in the attitude towards the other, and all parties. "As is, the society that we have made these past 10 years (or 20, or 30 or 200, or a thousand, each who added: if we have not changed).

Unfortunately for some, starting with the undersigned, when it comes to making friends, but to be honest I do not regret at all-these pages do not compose the socially correct thinking, or that you like and pass them to me who read them . So let's use it to talk about football. And some, like the way, of women.

What is alienating to women talk about soccer.

Here, if necessary, expound each of the five senses to alienate the DRAE, twenty-second edition (four in the 21st.). But no, why: all apply, five, and each one in more than one way. I would be very good to my benefit acotejar opportunities, so no one can allude to hurt, or offend me then ending or beginning with the traditional and familiar "You said," and even worse: "It is written." But that is well written, and know what I say, without fuss: it is alienating to women talk about soccer.

And I am happy, so be it. I'm glad to meet with the same apprehension, intolerance, bad manners and dissolute expression, when talking about football with men. That reasoning made, the only thing is how to reason and do less to discredit rival rival understood anyone who does not agree in their tastes and accessions. See you in the face, or read the lyrics, the same salacious and evil intentions, much as in the original wording seems good vibes and excitement, or sadness and despair, what they are saying. Experiment complacency, a morbid degree, perverted, morbid, discovering that hunting, which had already been a few years there, brewing, but it was not until recently gave birth, as the mountain, a thunderous roar and the same mouse fact excuses when the letters are wrongly made, be it arbitration, court conditions, luck or attitude of the players. Good, at last, they touch given to the head on the wall for something so stupid and vain as the score in a football game, the only valid argument when comparing the bet, which is itself the perfect synthesis of arbitrariness evident in this case: every one who goes the you wanted, and wide sleeves, that's the variety. And of course, everyone is responsible for receiving Cain, octopus, and the missus while the clown brings together the fateful sign with one, two, three, or those who are disadvantaged, swallowing frustration without dressings. In short, I am pleased to see you chauvinistic, xenophobic, fractious and self-centered, just like a man, if we talk football.

Now that's progress in social equity and gender equality. Let's see if we go there, and being recognized in this way, when any matter that have made it personal. Hopefully, by imitation, they take away the football who do not like the attitude of young ladies and little ladies and flowers-more-beautiful-of-commons, and start behaving like those they end up behaving themselves and I am sure will, or at least I have much faith in him-which people matter.

Manuel Emilio Castillo Silva
Lomas Verdes, May 5 2011.


Mentidero of Fallacies. Virgilio Sofistófeles .


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