Monday, May 16, 2011

Cell Respiration Higher In Mammals Or Reptiles?

Blog de Turismo Chile

Chile Travel Blog

Chiloé Architectural Style

Posted: 16 May 2011 10:43 a.m. PDT

The style of architecture which houses the region Chiloé is an emblem of an educated and hard work of past inhabitants. One element that has achieved notoriety within this target is the role that becomes the timber as one of the most relevant and material underpinnings inherent in their culture . All architectural and technology developed by chilotes occupied the ideal wood as raw material for the manufacture of everything you need to organize. The forest has been since ancient times the provider of a rich and varied range of wood with different properties that have been taking advantage of Chiloe with increasing skill.

architecture Chiloé through its buildings based on coigue, cypress and other native woods and lined with larch shingles are a true reflection of the rapport between culture and environment that is appealing to tourists who visit. This style has had its own process of evolution, starting from the traditional house-fire to buildings of great impact, fine details and patterns that characterize the region.

This photo belongs to Traveler Community Chile

Puelo River Valley

Posted: 16 May 2011 10:33 a.m. PDT

This attractive valley in Chile, you can travel from the capital Puelo community in the Pacific Ocean to Argentina, or vice versa. It is a glacial valley, marked by the mighty Rio Puelo, surrounded by mountains and numerous waterfalls, lakes and lagoons. Its beautiful native forests harbor species of wildlife such as pumas, condors and Argentine boar. Puelo River has numerous places of connotation as Lake Tagua Tagua, Rio Mallin, Rio Traitor, Plain Grande among others, very favorable for the sport of fly fishing and trawling. Delight your senses with one of the attractive Chilean for tourists who enjoy wildlife sheltered by the weather appropriate and colorful sets, Puelo River Valley is waiting to serve your entire family a revitalizing experience.

This photo belongs to Traveler Community Chile

Route Antakari, Chile Rural

Posted: 16 May 2011 8:50 a.m.


Antakari Route , Chile, which in Quechua means "Great Man of copper, is characterized by a rugged path, corresponding to a sparsely spoken, but with a wealth of historical, archaeological, paleontological and natural. One of the ways distinguished by having been used by indigenous people belonging to cultures Molle, Diaguitas and Incas, as well as the English to communicate with the town of Vicuña and Hurtado. Route is based on a tour of a total of 120 kilometers, in which the height ranging from 600 to 2000 meters above sea level.

This route includes a number of attractions for rural tourism located between the towns of Vicuña and Andacollo in Region IV, an experience not to be lost in the tourist destination Chile.

This photo belongs to Traveler Community Chile


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