Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pokemon Soul Silver Play For Free

F. MD '11 .12

Those good times of crisis. III

The SME doing damage in the City The PRI caucus of Congress deliciously maneuvering to avoid penalties to its ally, the environmentalist Green, and postponing the reforms the PRI caucus never wanted to do. The people whining about insecurity in the country, while still being fraudulent and crafty. Municipalities and states that were thought to PRD or PAN, electing candidates of the revolutionary recontra institutionally kicks me to continue assigning the case to pluck what has not. Legal impossibility to elect independent candidates. The stage is in handy: the PRI will win the presidential election of 2012, again in the polls. Again. As in 1994-maybe his only win votes at that level in three or four decades.

not going to win because the governments National Action Party president have been destructive, especially that of Fox, and, unlike Calderon, who has only been very bad indeed that of the president was nefastísimo Chente , but not all your fault (how far an imbecile be blamed for acting idiotically?): We also work in the democratic opportunity wasted. Nor by remnants of the 2006-election conflict with grace remember the "vote by vote, precinct by precinct": When the EP and satellite erre did give his grace in the capital's main square, demanding "unanimity" in the "legitimate choice" when or unanimity or milk, there was at least one said No, on the one hand, and there is proof of how seriously it took the other: the Peje wanting to participate in the elections of 2012, is not that re on its own terms, or are we applauding the law will be valid only when you? -. The tricolor party will win by the same reason that the parties of the Mexican national soccer remains the most watched in Mexico when broadcast on television: we strive to remain stupid.

going to win because Peña Nieto is handsome, married to a public-that is, public figurine, not prostitute: that do not know, nor do I care to find out, "and has filled the time slots for five years. It was not the only one: I still do not know, never read a statement about "why it was important that the government of Tamaulipas was announced at the national level, rather than from a few days ago, it would very interesting to listen to sr. former governor promoting itself with the mass graves that have been there a few months. Nor did the deputies and senators have thrown want to hide only the chief working-Diego had this occurrence, and you see, even said he had kidnapped, but I was alone there in the legislative chamber, insurance was not much to work the good of the country, "to what they have and have thrown the budget can get is to promote themselves, and perhaps make a few thousand votes, who they could be put in my face? Ensure that their livelihoods. going to win because in the recent 23 years we have complained about the economic crisis forgetting what really was an economic crisis and we forgot, incidentally, who came to teach how it was given, what were the reasons and how to throw eggs, and why. going to win because, for example, for years, some miners from Zacatecas kept a vigil outside the offices of the governor of that state, then occupied (so to speak) by Amalia Garcia, miraculously lifted by agreement on again be elected PRI, though, this is like the way, Penoles is poisoning the air in Fresno, and "The Peñasquito" continue to operate through the indiscriminate exploitation of water wells, with the drought not complete (we ran out of Quezada who make it rain) -. Montiel will win because they only lost the opportunity to be a candidate for the presidential nomination in 2005, not freedom to be arrested and prosecuted for illicit enrichment, among other things. Will win because his party will promote the "punishment vote" against the PAN, spurring especially references to "collateral damage" of the "war on drugs"-which is neither war, by the way: only the display Fecalhino that masks the increasing militarization of the country, since it implied taking, and evident from the first budget submitted expenses, approved by all parties in defense and marine items, "not to mention in passing or the social devacle we live these days in the country is the result of being cast aside 16 years ago, those two million families mentioned in the first part of this series - what they thought they would do, left to starve? No chance of anything (not just work, school, and growth, but even eating), learned to survive- . In short, the PRI will win the presidential election in Mexico in 2012 because the Mexicans live morally at ease in the chiefdom, for centuries. Simply, we love us assholes in corruption.

"Welfare for your family, "the slogan of 1994. now, what will be" Livin '"?" Moterroso was right? PRI's political strength has always been a product of our misery.

Manuel Emilio Castillo Silva.
Lomas Verdes, 29 April 2011.


Mentidero of Fallacies. Sofistófeles Virgilio .

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Can You Use Amlactin On Your Face

F. MD '11 .11

Those good times of crisis. II

boasted my good fortune to be born in time to live peor crisis económica en México de los últimos 80 años, hasta el momento, pero no tan a tiempo de tener que hacerme cargo de mí mismo -aunque eso también fue buena suerte: mis padres resultaron ser personas responsables con sus hijos, no todos contamos con ellos-. Pude, por tanto, aprovechar mi infancia para aprender algunas cosas adultas, poco a poco, como inflación, escasez, opciones: cómo no leer, si los libros ya-están -ahí y son divertidos, mientras que el parque de diversiones, el cine y los viajes de vacaciones suceden de-una-vez-por-todas , y cada suceso, cuesta dinero (los tuve, también: insisto que fui de los afortunados at that time, it meant that I understand my joys than hardships imposed limitations, those who raised me). Read, then only required-and requires-conditions, time and patience, and desire. Read follow me now that no one gives me, and instead I have to give and take charge, which is very precious to me: good luck included responsibility.

But what. Not everyone had the same fate, of course, much less the same desire, to take responsibility. On Monday of last week, members of the Mexican Electricians Union (SME, its acronym, Esmé, their slogan oral) were given the task of destroying a few shops and facilities of the Federal District, and to my surprise, was the Defe police intervened and made some arrests, symbolic and without much effort: where they were going to put 2 000 people for vandalism. Yes, that same police that a month and half ago they opened the pass in the streets of the socket-not to prevent riot, but that people offended by the disturbance to see the busy street where mass transit were not set out to show anger, quiet and looks away, turn around and say nothing, the idea. His pretext of the union, demanding the right to life purchased by purchasing jobs in Luz y Fuerza del Centro, now defunct, "yet now defunct. The right to work six hours a week, and collect sixties plus benefits. The right to make devils-direct illegal connections to electricity, "to borrow money" pal soda "when they get to do a repair, to charge the treasury personal expenses by the per diem. The right to do nothing more than demand, ever more, if you are quiet, without making a fuss. The right to Modes formed during the PRI, which are the ways Mexicans: arrangement, trades, scam, bísness (of business ). I quote the words of my friend a few weeks ago we saw happen, threatening, but the next day the newspapers sympathetic to the Federal District government is not even mentioned the annoying-qualifier: "Almost none of them realizes his is a place for corruption, as almost all of them bought their place or inherited. " Well, now, and realize all, at least all vandalized in the middle, and still free, ladies included, the crime is very egalitarian.

In all these days, every time I was in the socket, did not see them doing anything but napping, collecting signatures of support ("Lady, I signed a month ago these pages, lied to a-what the hell I will sign this shit, "" Never mind, sign it again, and better, "your reply) that firms are more at peace than I have let me hurry popsicles-doubt sell them to go for health checks on food sales but, who cares about the health checks in the historic center? - and
watching television-connected with a devil: I repeat, yours is yours. However, the judge, by descagalar a bit of the city where they live. Poor things, just expressing their frustration. The kids.

For me, I have very clear my response to their demands:


Mentidero of Fallacies. Virgilio Sofistófeles .

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Clairol Complements Intensifier Blue Reviews

Blog de Turismo Chile

Chile Travel Blog

International Book Festival for Children and Youth in Chile

Posted: April 20, 2011 11:17 a.m. PDT

not on their agenda can miss the International Fair of Children's and Youth to be held from 27 May to 7 June, an event that brings together major figures of literature and tourists from all over coming together to purchase the new proposals that professionals will recommend the best examples in novels, books, workshops, music, biographies and more.

Fair takes place in Chilean soil and is organized by the Chilean Book Chamber and the City of Providence. This festival is held in conjunction with the workshop "The Art of Charm with Books" issued on Professional Days, an annex created to provide the necessary information about Children's Literature.

If you are interested in literature and also wants to share with young children the importance of reading in their lives, to participate in this event that invites everyone to see what's new in children's books.

This photo belongs to the Commonwealth of Chile travelers

Easter Islands in

Posted: April 20, 2011 11:02 a.m. PDT

Within the

Islands Region lots of land enjoy interesting attractions such as the Robinson Crusoe Island, Chiloe Island and the popular Easter Island. Easter Island is located in the central Pacific Ocean, in Polynesia and its population is concentrated in the capital of the island, Hanga Roa.

The Easter Islands is one of the quintessential Chilean international tourism as it falls hundreds of visitors with its miles of white sandy beaches, lapped by the crystal sea coasts are , in perfect harmony with the green color of vegetation.

For the rest nothing better than service Hospitality offered by the region, with opportunities available in high season and entertainment for the whole family. For lovers of Adventure Sports, Natural and Cultural Tourism nothing better than to visit this land of dreams. Long stretches of natural areas that appeal for its scenery and mysterious ancient culture that contain their charms.

This photo belongs to the Commonwealth of Chile travelers

Antique Car Rally in Chile

Posted: April 20, 2011 10:57 a.m. PDT

During autumn marks the Fall Rally and Vintage Car in the charming region of Chile, in which a large number of relics four wheels will travel unconventional ways as Valdivia, La Union, Osorno, Villarica and Pucon.

This exciting event brings visitors from all over the country and other curious foreigners who wish to enjoy more than 20 owners of these classics in the last days of May.

Antique Car Rally is organized each year by the Antique Automobile Club Chile, municipalities in each region and the Chilean subsidiary of Osorno. If you are a fan of what the last class left engine and really look upholstered comfort, enjoy this fun annual tourist event.

This photo belongs to the Commonwealth of Chile travelers

Monday, April 18, 2011

Hair Color Chart Koleston

Blog de Turismo Chile

Blog de Turismo de Chile

Transfer Holy Week and taxis to

Posted: 18 Apr 2011 8:53 PM PDT

in Chile, Easter is elected to pasarla by Mucho. He Transfer and Transportation ES problem in this destination. Provides services accessible and varied, matching their needs and possibilities at best to fully enjoy these days of celebration. Recognized and outstanding

Taxi companies offer safety and comfort on their journeys to reach their destination without problems. You can make the trip you want, long transfers to city tours, excursions and tours are in high demand at this time so please book early. The

Destinations most visited Easter from Santiago de Chile are:

Viña del Mar, 117 kilometers to 1853 kilometers

Iquique La Serena to 474 kilometers to 407


This photo belongs to the Commonwealth of travelers Visitingchile


Posted: April 18, 2011 8:28 a.m. PDT

The characteristics that evoke an interesting history and its location just two hours from the capital, the region Valparaiso is one of the destinations of Chile elected by hundreds of tourists everywhere.

Valparaiso is a place unforgettable visit with family or friends and enjoy a pleasant holiday. Its extension has long white sand beaches, popular and exclusive spas and agricultural sectors for those seeking rest with exotic vegetation and clean air.

Because of its location close to Santiago de Chile, will have no problems in finding lodging and dining places. The capital offers numerous hotels, restaurants and recreation of various costs and for all tastes. In addition, sympathy for the troubled cultural and artistic movement that locals are proposing all kinds of services so that you too are involved.

This photo belongs to the Commonwealth of travelers Visitingchile

Season VI

Family Culture

Posted: April 18, 2011 7:48 a.m. PDT

The Season VI Family Culture will begin on May 20 at Hotel O'Higgins in Vina del Mar. This season is an interesting proposal that calls for domestic and foreign tourists to participate in various events such as concerts pear, music chamber and orchestral, Latin American folk, musical theater and a historic city Viña del Mar, all with free access to promote healthy entertainment and recreation for children with their elders.

The season runs until December, counting this year with a new and unforgettable event. "A Flower Corso" is a show in which families originated from the place they staged the election of his queen, inviting attendees to admire period costumes, characters and enjoy traditional folk dance by the set of projections Folk Peuco of the Association of Municipal Officials Viña del Mar .

By the time the city offers many promotions on accommodation and tour packages adapting their conditions and possibilities in this event to enjoy with family and friends.

This photo belongs to the Commonwealth of travelers Visitingchile

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Gifted And Talented Fairfax County

F. MD '11 .10

Those good times of crisis. I

There are weeks in which to bring forward issues of parlar outstanding, and weeks where I can not think of anything. This, unfortunately, is the former. I wanted to talk about True Grit, the one directed by Henry Hathaway, 1969-finally I have it with me, or give to a particular result I have been talking with my friend Ramon for 11 years. To make a comparison between a pair of reading the same book, distant 5 years between them. To tell you I love you, in two pages, without telling you. Or more immediately, to talk about my friend Vania just be in a live broadcast. But all that now remains on file for gossip-that-perhaps-a-day-type . There was another thing, much more urgent, as more time is reelin 'in the head. About 25 years, who claim fast.

I was a kid, playing outside my house was lucky, had a house, and toys, "thinking of how many Sundays had to save to entrust to my father, who traveled from time to time in the U.S.. UU., A cute picture. A year and a half before, with a car Sunday was enough, but now things were different. I knew nothing about inflation or purchasing power parity, or crisis by the collapse of oil prices or the nationalization of banks, although it it a bit, spending 10 minutes in line at the bank, accompanying my mother or my brothers, and then continue on in a walk, go to the bank that now means spending three to six hours in the queue (in this now I know why: on the one hand had been laid off many employees, cash above all, to reduce costs, and another was feared a bank run and even a withdrawal had to ask permission) -. All I knew, my seven almost eight years, is that the exchange rate, of being 100 pesos for 1 dollar, was already at 250 for 1, and rising. As the level of Sunday had not changed-the same one hundred dollars, I was the lucky, my parents, not so much ", the dollar would continue to rise, we already had realized" it was only a matter of reckoning, the only basic arithmetic available to me then, and still-picture to deal with the hopeless: I had to save two or three Sundays at that time, maybe four, just in case. A whole month of my income to me of another toy. Simply did not pay me the thrill running out of candy, no soda on the day of sports, and one of those, even without money for the fare. As it was not so important toy.

passed a few years, things seemed to be more or less stable, the excessive inflation-funny thing of the past, inflation of 10 to 20% we seemed manageable, so strenuous were the eighty-, and suddenly, overnight morning-literally, we went back to her. Zedillo, PRI style fulfilling his campaign promises (Welfare for your family, your slogan), he gave us with an adjustment in the dollar-peso abruptly, without warning, stupid and not unexpected: many experts realized in time; the thing is that most were not experts, "derived in the worst crisis we're in Mexico in the nineties. Domestic violence in the country led to the PRI's victory in the polls indisputable, that time. And so we went. The vote of fear changed into play fuck. In fairness in the count, the government took steps to mitigate the effects - predicting decremiento between 5.0 and 10 points of gross domestic product, inflation between 45 and 70 percent-and the GDP declining 6.5% ended, inflation in 52 points. The problem: "They did not realize that 6.5% meant two million families?" One professor told us in class, in 1998.

Two million families. About 10 million people, calculated at low, killed for the sake of macroeconomic minimal damage to the country-which included FOBAPROA now IPAB. Millions of Mexicans are happy because they would not pay their debts to the bank, in return for giving no chance a few mugrositos. Precisely because they were not poor who had credit card and personal loans occupied top travel and mahogany in the room. They were, to put it bluntly, today's parents who fill facebook, Tuite, the TEC and UVM.

Now, in these days of social crisis, with its very clear-added economic crisis, I find a lot of guys on the Internet-calling must be very stupid to think that Internet is available to everyone, but they think so, injustice, crime, the existence of scholarships to needy children and youth, of both sexes. Those boys surfers, really, I assume, or assume ever: comfort has its impact on people's mental capacity, "this context we live in, is rooted in one another, which reached half known, but did not consciously 16 years ago. Never realized, we, his parents left the car at home, if he had not lost before the restructuring of liabilities, not to pay for fees, not by environmental enthusiasm, as you probably lied, mercifully, but because they enough for gasoline. Demand, and complain, they do not know, and do not want to know, otherwise outside their whim and banality. And they fear, panic, assuming even that can be suppressed.

For 25 years I give around the bush, so I was lucky that my parents gave me the best education money could afford, and in those schools with lots of little people ran identical to netizens cited: mold I-deserve-to-be-me-and-no-other-and you-fuck-the-world , -you-who-I-read-the-first-of-all has not changed in anything but spelled: safe now write (and think) Io-meresko-x-is-io-i-no-other-and-me-bale-mothers-we , or something, considering the convenience of having learned from an early age to appreciate my surroundings and possibilities. And whenever I come to the same conclusion: yes, indeed I've been lucky. A lot.

Manuel Emilio Castillo Silva.
Lomas Verdes, on April 13, 2011.


Mentidero of Fallacies. Virgilio Sofistófeles .

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cinematic Orchestra Free Sheet Music

F. MD '11 .09

eggs are not equal.

Just read "a friend of mine gave diffusion-shocking news: a lady named Stephanie - Stephanie , but I would write in my language when I please, "leading a group of such, he is winning a multimillion-dollar lawsuit to Wal-Mart in the U.S.. UU. "He's winning." The U.S. court decides the case yet, but will appear in favor of them. And of course, makes good vibes demagogic chorus: "Good news, good news, another step forward in gender equality, long live the joy." Or maybe the celebration. They call him. Gender equality.

The scary thing is that the ladies do not win or lose the lawsuit. If they do, the pay for all: the respondent has sufficient power market to influence the retail prices of products sold, which at this time does not matter to those who applaud the matter, I suppose they are not aware of how it happens, "and indeed need not, however, then , when you go to any super-super, I'll lean on my salsa seeing them claim the extra spending, or the lack of available, and only a few, very few, if they manage to link the two events, say something stupid like "Equal Gender has no price, credit taste! " "But none of these hypothetical vigilantes earn the minimum wage, of course. The scary thing, we said, it is not like or dislike such transnational legal coup-deserved hit, no doubt, this and many others: what makes my neck hairs standing on end is the clear contradiction between the political and social demand, as bandied about, and nomination itself. "Gender Equality."

We can say that every part of the translation, of course. Gender equity -o Equality - English, overlapping into the language of Cervantes. Comidita, easy, lose, everyone happy, and that is not a retrograde sexist discriminator. But no, hear. Gender , in fact, translates as gender, in almost every sense of grammar, except in one particular sex, including the English word, not in Castilian. A gringo passport says " Gender: Male, Female " is fine. We talk like stupid, no.

However, the translation is mere artifice. Finally, each who speaks as he wants, or can, and to a lesser or greater effort can understand. The case is the reality expressed: indeed be interpreted as a battle of the sexes, the demandilla that. As if the arbitrariness, opportunism, convenience and discrimination were exclusive to men and women, poor victims of masculinity. Will be no: they are human qualities, and I know any women who do not take advantage, when he can and knows how to use-which is almost always blessed god. Here is the sample took their case took the path of the fool cool season, and they are out of pearls. But one thing is that managers impart justice in accordance with the laws, if they do, "and another buy the shit and lies: the background of this lawsuit is not the fight against discrimination, is money. And nothing else. In terms of job competition, I do not know the details of the lawsuit and the aftershocks, but the company may well argue an obvious truth: the ladies agreed to provide services in an amount, if later found the male colleagues sold more expensive, as bad luck, to sell better next time, as any man has to do when you feel the same. And like any man, ending accepting low-paying jobs, when pressed and heavier to carry money to the house training and professional pride. THAT is fair competition and equality.

And all this, if equality is "a little to the employees of work-cleaning, grooming, and other crafts socially seen as demeaning jobs, especially in the U.S.. UU .- going to play a piece identical to that of the former management assistants, such as Stephanie? I think not. I think there gender equality - " 1. M . set of beings who have one or more common characteristics. " says DRAE-, will not weigh as much, eh? Rather, I will ask to be distributed according to their income level while working at the company, or the present, some still work there, or as the amount of money you have got to demand, or are you to know. Up to the alleged desire each has thrown him will want to cling to demand their eggs in the spoils. And even then, you will see with jealousy that pulls the biggest-those who do not know, or do not have available, go to Wal-Mart and grab a couple to check: no two are alike. And if that between eggs, imagine what will be the case when it comes time to fight the basket.

Manuel Emilio Castillo Silva.
Lomas Verdes, on April 6, 2011.


Mentidero of Fallacies. Virgilio Sofistófeles . That