Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Can You Have A Pet Duck Billed Platypus

edit F. MD '11 .03

Palos they cost.

just finished the holiday shopping calendar, started here in my country around the 12 December, between religious and occasion. This, regardless of the chauvinistic, of which more than were served last year. While an alarming number, leisure, especially in a country in permanent economic crisis, "this morning I want to talk about is the inappropriate quality of services provided during the day yesterday, including the Internet, although cellular telephony, fixed, transportation and the diversity of shows also gave his own, not to delve into the very common practice illegal and administrations of the hotels, which set in such an important date, in its discretion, limit the hours rent a room when it is supposed to cover in advance the total time from payment until check-out, default, rarely before noon the next day.

The fact I find remarkable is not only known as the demand for different communication services will be higher than an any other day, but in several newspapers published stories about the increase Constant use of social networking. Telcel and other phone do not worry about satisfying their customers does not surprise me at all, for at least a decade happens that way, but the mainstream media, always alert to provide the most irrelevant possible, have wise on this occasion, giving a written form that Telmex and Cablevision, mainly deny they have foreseen when they are consulted by phone why he is failing both connectivity, there are always failures in service, but yesterday they were multiplied, " is most curious.

For my part, I have a service contract with Prodigy called broad band just because we are in Mexico. Talking with friends living in Houston, Madrid, Paris, mention them as "very low" or "slow" their connections, these being at least 5 Mbps, and enormities complain when, for saturation, are given only three and a half or four. Costs also are ridiculously disparate: Jimmy, my colleague told me to be considering hiring 100 Mbps, "but that it is expensive, over 100 dollar a month, just over 100 dollar a month." I was foolish to think that amount of money, one can expect here in the tenth case.

It was not just Prodigy, which is to say Telmex. My neighbor, who despaired of the constant failure of that company, signed a contract with Yoo, for Cablevision, hit the fuss, or almost: he lives to be online all day, then as free-lancer working for a firm architectural, when for the fifteenth or twentieth time the connection is dropped, the scream that I heard made me think seriously was already on track to meet course beyond. "You're going to miss Prodigy," he said, when I asked him how he found a new supplier, a few months ago, now I understand why. I only know one person who uses the G3 Telcel. Yesterday I saw him even once connected, I think because I was busy with an appointment (but I know that I am mistaken, when we no doubt will tell me what I suspect happened in reality). In any case, both (my neighbor and me) gave us identical explanations, and one solution, "is that many people are connected now, try later" (and I'm fairly certain it too).

I suppose, but is a very big, I know the day will come we will enjoy efficient services. In the meantime, continue to pay to receive sticks in the ass.

Manuel Emilio Castillo Silva.
Lomas Verdes, on February 15, 2011.


Mentidero of Fallacies. Virgilio Sofistófeles .


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