Sunday, February 6, 2011

Abscess Years After Root Canal

F. MD '11 .02

One night vague.

For a while, like many, I assumed the liberal mind, and sexual tolerance. I was away I know those qualities, so fashionable today and for years, are demagogic mere accessories, put on access to power, perks, budgets, on the one hand, or to get votes, favorable image, power, the other, and ended up as mere platitudes, all other taxes, not knowing the true Why or why it is a sticking these arguments.

There is nothing trickier than a minority-or rather, that the alleged representatives of a minority, they are not always elected, let alone actually represent anyone, "calling for" equality. " If a social group is a minority, it is forbidden equality thinking in terms of equity and common justice, it would be awfully unfair to a few are granted, quantitatively, the same granted to too many, and many times not only demand the same, but even they think they have that right under the prerogative, being a minority, be excluded, and therefore deserving of compensation, "it is inequitable to the extent that they are granted to all others are denied, to have you happy-and also not always be given to anyone, is sociability. Of course, we do not speak here of individuals but of groups. That small difference is vital.

is on a personal level, one on one, face to face, "the liberal mental and sexual tolerance collect all their aberrant dimensions: what is the law by which, in conversation, you tolerated what the other decides to do in bed (or the office, car, roof)? The only privilege in this regard is to share the taste, or not. And if not shared, not simply to accept the invitation to contact is sufficient. If any. As for the liberal mind, what exactly is it? "In regards to the sexual freedom of others? Few ideas are as stupid as that: the sexuality of others can not be respected because others while you do not participate in it. That itself can be violent, which is truly impermissible aggression, but not limited to homosexuals, but any person, in general terms. Is, then, not to prejudge people by their sexual preference? Prejudice is inherent in doing everyday, and the same mental liberally biased, assumes empathy, or even sound convinced it is possible, no two people can meet each other aberrant results for so many reasons, including not sharing a minimum of references, tastes and concerns. Imbecilito pure good vibes, come on, that the liberality of mind, not about not binding, but nullifies the other. And this goes both ways.

Never in my wildest imagination imagined, when he held those two qualities mencionadas, que entre mis amistades más cercanas, queridas y apreciables, estaría una persona homosexual. Y fue precisamente por el contacto con ella, por los vínculos personales entre nos trazados, que logré desprenderme de semejantes extravíos. Conversamos algunas veces de la actitud victimizada de la minoría, y descubrimos a ambos nos resulta incómoda, e incluso molesta. También, y en mucho fue ella quién describió la derrota de esa plática, coincidimos los prejuicios impuestos por gran parte de los individuos de la minoría hacia los que no son parte de ella son más. Y así tantas cosas, hasta que comprendí el asunto es el trato que entre individuos se da: a la mierda la minoría, como any institution, ours is to be friends, even to the point of discussing women (sexual preference has never removed or blocked, on the contrary: we are about, but she is a woman of excellent taste). I come to spend the night at home, celebrating birth. Few people we become so important that that fact alone puts us really happy. She is one of them for me. When we share time, no matter how difficult or lifted have been the hours between games, a few that do not reach a day or so to be counted in months, sometimes all night one night vague, those who remain in the mind forever. Of which make me thank also have been born.

Manuel Emilio Castillo Silva.
Lomas Verdes, on February 6, 2011.


Mentidero of Fallacies. Virgilio Sofistófeles .


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