Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Inmagenes De Por Favor

F. MD '11 .04


Contrary to my usual answered this morning just before breakfast, the phone line from my house, beautiful image, the "hotline", evocative of the time needed wired telecommunications, with subsequent induction of contact person: someone across thousands of feet of copper millimeter wide, also held a device, not just the voices and ears, but the hands were. So rarely do, that even I had some time off the audible alarm apparatus according to see, my hours, the caller ID, selecting my choice which correspond, and forget them at home. I had not actually answer, spent less than twenty seconds for the surprise of what happened, but what was happening at that moment happen more or less an act described by the phrase angrily hung up even more beautiful picture hanging phone, I remember those devices attached to a wall with a lever on which hung the receiver, end a call, or which was taken to launch it, in my childhood there were any, although, to be precise , I should say whipped annoying, but my excitement was rather angry and type aventaré mind a thousand devils, neither person nor contact, only a pre-recorded voice that I heard, more or less: "Good morning, this is a call from HSBC for Manuel Emilio Castillo Silva, we have very important information for you. Wait on the line, one of our officers will respond as soon as possible."

I'm unaware of such important information was that. I suppose it was convincing for the umpteenth time to take out insurance or any topic regarding non-payment of debts, "I doubt it, I am very satisfied, but anything is possible. He could even be a congratulation for the very next day of the Candelaria-happened and when someone reads these lines, to occur only in a few days at the time of writing them. Whatever, I was stunned: now so you can see, not only set up the banks with the right to stop when they please whatever you're doing, I suspect I'm not the only one I give away to your call, so generous to let you listen to a recording- , if at all, but, save list, intended to wait for those who answer them.

unpleasant and annoying enough is, if one calls in exchange for arranging business with any banking institution, almost always necessary arrangement for errors of the institution itself, "encountering the same situation: waiting bound, monotone music while crushing the psyche, pretentiously polite treatment, the suboptimal solution, "go to branch" being in the same branch llamásemos told us. I mean, this is bad enough, and for us to be outstanding addition to the hours he pleases who organizes these calls, however they have very specific schedule customer, if we can take ten or twelve rounds of the chorus the March of the Saints or any other typical crap for attention, "according to the occurrence advertising turn.

worst, however, is not the arrogance and bad manners that banks, not necessarily who work in them must be said: More than once I have been served with resignation by the person who serves me, well note the following procedure is intended to benefit of the institution, at the expense of those of us in front, and not place-in particular at least I have mentioned, present with this, but their example will spread, I fear, between different companies and corporations whose main tool of enforcement is the simulated telephone contact, and we already see, next year, spending half an hour a day or more taking stupid propaganda.

Definitely, I would have turned off the alarm again on my telephone.

Manuel Emilio Castillo Silva.
Lomas Verdes, on January 31, 2011.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Kates Playgrounds Vids


"Total Eclipse Of The Heart"

(Turn around)
Every now and then
I get a little bit lonely
And you're never coming round

(Turn around)
Every now and then
I get a little bit tired
Of listening to the sound of my tears

(Turn around)
Every now and then
I get a little bit nervous
That the best of all the years have gone by

(Turn around)
Every now and then I get a little bit terrified
And then I see the look in your eyes
(Turn Around, bright eyes)
Every now and then I fall apart
(Turn Around, bright eyes)
Every now and then
I fall apart

(Turn around)
Every now and then
I get a little bit restless
And I dream of something wild
(Turn around)
Every now and then
I get a little bit helpless
And I'm lying like a child in your arms
(Turn around)
Every now and then
I get a little bit angry
And I know I've got to get out and cry
(Turn around)
Every now and then
I get a little bit terrified
But then I see the look in your eyes
(Turn Around, bright eyes)
Every now and then
I fall apart
Turn around, bright eyes
Every now and then
I fall apart

And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right
'Cause we'll never be wrong
Together we can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time
(All of the time)
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
(Forever's gonna start tonight)

Once upon a time
I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart

Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart

[Instrumental Interlude]

(Turn Around, bright eyes)
(Turn Around, bright eyes)

(Turn around)
Every now and then
I know you'll never be the boy
You always wanted to be
(Turn around)
But every now and then
I know you'll always be the only boy
Who wanted me the way that I am
(Turn around)
Every now and then
I know there's no one in the universe
As magical and wondrous as you
(Turn around)
Every now and then
I know there's nothing any better
There's nothing that I just wouldn't do
(Turn Around, bright eyes)
Every now and then I fall apart
(Turn Around, bright eyes)
Every now and then I fall apart

And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right
'Cause we'll never be wrong
Together we can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time
(All of the time)
I don't know what to do
I'm always in the dark
Living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
(Forever's gonna start tonight)

Once upon a time I was
I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart

Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart

A total eclipse of the heart
A total eclipse of the heart
(Turn Around, bright eyes)
(Turn Around, bright eyes)
(Turn around)

********* Mentidero of Fallacies . Sofistófeles Virgilio.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Can You Have A Pet Duck Billed Platypus

edit F. MD '11 .03

Palos they cost.

just finished the holiday shopping calendar, started here in my country around the 12 December, between religious and occasion. This, regardless of the chauvinistic, of which more than were served last year. While an alarming number, leisure, especially in a country in permanent economic crisis, "this morning I want to talk about is the inappropriate quality of services provided during the day yesterday, including the Internet, although cellular telephony, fixed, transportation and the diversity of shows also gave his own, not to delve into the very common practice illegal and administrations of the hotels, which set in such an important date, in its discretion, limit the hours rent a room when it is supposed to cover in advance the total time from payment until check-out, default, rarely before noon the next day.

The fact I find remarkable is not only known as the demand for different communication services will be higher than an any other day, but in several newspapers published stories about the increase Constant use of social networking. Telcel and other phone do not worry about satisfying their customers does not surprise me at all, for at least a decade happens that way, but the mainstream media, always alert to provide the most irrelevant possible, have wise on this occasion, giving a written form that Telmex and Cablevision, mainly deny they have foreseen when they are consulted by phone why he is failing both connectivity, there are always failures in service, but yesterday they were multiplied, " is most curious.

For my part, I have a service contract with Prodigy called broad band just because we are in Mexico. Talking with friends living in Houston, Madrid, Paris, mention them as "very low" or "slow" their connections, these being at least 5 Mbps, and enormities complain when, for saturation, are given only three and a half or four. Costs also are ridiculously disparate: Jimmy, my colleague told me to be considering hiring 100 Mbps, "but that it is expensive, over 100 dollar a month, just over 100 dollar a month." I was foolish to think that amount of money, one can expect here in the tenth case.

It was not just Prodigy, which is to say Telmex. My neighbor, who despaired of the constant failure of that company, signed a contract with Yoo, for Cablevision, hit the fuss, or almost: he lives to be online all day, then as free-lancer working for a firm architectural, when for the fifteenth or twentieth time the connection is dropped, the scream that I heard made me think seriously was already on track to meet course beyond. "You're going to miss Prodigy," he said, when I asked him how he found a new supplier, a few months ago, now I understand why. I only know one person who uses the G3 Telcel. Yesterday I saw him even once connected, I think because I was busy with an appointment (but I know that I am mistaken, when we no doubt will tell me what I suspect happened in reality). In any case, both (my neighbor and me) gave us identical explanations, and one solution, "is that many people are connected now, try later" (and I'm fairly certain it too).

I suppose, but is a very big, I know the day will come we will enjoy efficient services. In the meantime, continue to pay to receive sticks in the ass.

Manuel Emilio Castillo Silva.
Lomas Verdes, on February 15, 2011.


Mentidero of Fallacies. Virgilio Sofistófeles .

Monday, February 7, 2011

South Park Studios On Ipod

Edge Of Sanity - Crimson (1996)

Group: Edge Of Sanity
Album: Crimson
Country: Sweden
Gender: Progressive Death Metal
Year: 1996
Bit Rate: 128 Kbps
Size: 36.2 MB


01 Crimson

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Abscess Years After Root Canal

F. MD '11 .02

One night vague.

For a while, like many, I assumed the liberal mind, and sexual tolerance. I was away I know those qualities, so fashionable today and for years, are demagogic mere accessories, put on access to power, perks, budgets, on the one hand, or to get votes, favorable image, power, the other, and ended up as mere platitudes, all other taxes, not knowing the true Why or why it is a sticking these arguments.

There is nothing trickier than a minority-or rather, that the alleged representatives of a minority, they are not always elected, let alone actually represent anyone, "calling for" equality. " If a social group is a minority, it is forbidden equality thinking in terms of equity and common justice, it would be awfully unfair to a few are granted, quantitatively, the same granted to too many, and many times not only demand the same, but even they think they have that right under the prerogative, being a minority, be excluded, and therefore deserving of compensation, "it is inequitable to the extent that they are granted to all others are denied, to have you happy-and also not always be given to anyone, is sociability. Of course, we do not speak here of individuals but of groups. That small difference is vital.

is on a personal level, one on one, face to face, "the liberal mental and sexual tolerance collect all their aberrant dimensions: what is the law by which, in conversation, you tolerated what the other decides to do in bed (or the office, car, roof)? The only privilege in this regard is to share the taste, or not. And if not shared, not simply to accept the invitation to contact is sufficient. If any. As for the liberal mind, what exactly is it? "In regards to the sexual freedom of others? Few ideas are as stupid as that: the sexuality of others can not be respected because others while you do not participate in it. That itself can be violent, which is truly impermissible aggression, but not limited to homosexuals, but any person, in general terms. Is, then, not to prejudge people by their sexual preference? Prejudice is inherent in doing everyday, and the same mental liberally biased, assumes empathy, or even sound convinced it is possible, no two people can meet each other aberrant results for so many reasons, including not sharing a minimum of references, tastes and concerns. Imbecilito pure good vibes, come on, that the liberality of mind, not about not binding, but nullifies the other. And this goes both ways.

Never in my wildest imagination imagined, when he held those two qualities mencionadas, que entre mis amistades más cercanas, queridas y apreciables, estaría una persona homosexual. Y fue precisamente por el contacto con ella, por los vínculos personales entre nos trazados, que logré desprenderme de semejantes extravíos. Conversamos algunas veces de la actitud victimizada de la minoría, y descubrimos a ambos nos resulta incómoda, e incluso molesta. También, y en mucho fue ella quién describió la derrota de esa plática, coincidimos los prejuicios impuestos por gran parte de los individuos de la minoría hacia los que no son parte de ella son más. Y así tantas cosas, hasta que comprendí el asunto es el trato que entre individuos se da: a la mierda la minoría, como any institution, ours is to be friends, even to the point of discussing women (sexual preference has never removed or blocked, on the contrary: we are about, but she is a woman of excellent taste). I come to spend the night at home, celebrating birth. Few people we become so important that that fact alone puts us really happy. She is one of them for me. When we share time, no matter how difficult or lifted have been the hours between games, a few that do not reach a day or so to be counted in months, sometimes all night one night vague, those who remain in the mind forever. Of which make me thank also have been born.

Manuel Emilio Castillo Silva.
Lomas Verdes, on February 6, 2011.


Mentidero of Fallacies. Virgilio Sofistófeles .

Pulmicort Turbuhaler For Cough

F. MD Pa 'time now pal ─ ─ ghosts. 11.01

"Without the moon, and it did not matter.


Not that I'm complaining, I'm alone:
something I lost along the way
I did a little more humane, just a little.

will come in the morning, delayed
between the enjoyment of this night is your night
and ours, promised eternal appointment.

Believe it or not, I miss mine,
feel the void of sadness
another empty: melancholy
to notice you and not absent, plus absent.

past or not, our offense was
latent in every gesture was announced
causal love that the swift oblivion
was it you or was I?, No matter
resentatives ─ allow withered.

wonder Ah! That fall
flourished in spring time
perhaps the miracle of that crazy, very Mexican
voice, cadence, tone, aleph lover.

But no longer occurs, or happens to turn to me the meeting;
what I lost, I do not know, outside
uncertain state that is a memory which evoke.

Like yesterday when I saw you, regardless
my close and you go through again,
and even I could smile without remembering
mutual hatred over eternal.

And I'll see, insurance,
corridors of this labyrinth that is life
lots to beat.

And I see, without seeing, which look in the mirror
certainly something that is just a lie.

Manuel Emilio Castillo Silva. November
2007. November 2007!
ed. February 6, 2010.


Mentidero of Fallacies. Virgilio Sofistófeles .