Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fairfax County Gifted Talented Program

F. MD '11 .07

Winds of War.

saw just a few days ago, aware that seeing, What the Wind (1939). I was stunned by the continuous and delightful collection of impressions: In a minute, less, perhaps 40 seconds, Vivien Leigh (Scarlett O'Hara) occurs eight or ten emotions on his face, and this occurs not in a single scene, but on several occasions . Clark Gable (Rhett Butler), although not as dynamic in their emotional lability, make you remove gallantly in the action. The rest of the cast, or what to say except a pair of black, and three or four soldiers, I saw no one who is noticing the effort to act, rather than my perception acuity is not the finest, even shower in the matter. Professional people, from the leading roles to extras, doing his thing. How to contextualize the actions, moreover, is thin, elegant direct-even though it is a movie more than three hours, "his subject, far from the U.S. Civil War. UU. -Must be very pasmarote to stay with that idea: the movie tells something else all: tells lifestyles, personalities, and using notes, to give context. Eager to see her again, and soon. Or see it for the first time quienes no lo hayan hecho aún: no tiene desperdicio, viendo cómo llueve. Y previendo cómo a llover.

Dicen algunas noticias -sólo consulté un periódico, y algo más acá en internet- que el narco en México está robando granos. Asaltan un silo, se llevan las semillas almacenadas, y, según los "reportajes", aprovechan la escasez para especular con los precios, queriendo vender el alimento robado a precios exhorbitantes. ¿De verdad creen que el narco es tan estúpido? "No he visto una sólo fábrica de cañones en Georgia", dice Rhett, cuando le urgen responda por qué su escepticismo sobre la victoria del Sur sobre el Norte; "Mejores hombres (los North), do not think, but better equipped and better prepared, "responds when last on the qualities of the fine gentlemen who are mingling. That same day they find Lincoln began recruiting volunteers, corresponding to Southerners the news with great gusto and enthusiasm. Much enthusiasm. And so it went. By beating strutting their ideas. Do we swallow here, like them in his fiction, a lie?

Nones. Drug trafficking in Mexico is not speculating with grains to make money and buy weapons, and have both, in huge numbers, "if indeed is stealing grain-that's another one: not the first time blamed the devil in turn how bad you live in the country ", is preparing for war. You're doing seriously. And if anything is clear, is that you walk with mincing words, when booting. What do you do for as long as our politicians of all parties? Allowing them for decades, centuries even, "demagogic pass laws and get the salary, of course. We

warned. Those who can, start buying cans when they go to the supermarket. And while see the movie, just to be an entre.

Manuel Emilio Castillo Silva.
Lomas Verdes on March 24, 2011.


Mentidero of Fallacies. Virgilio Sofistófeles .


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