Saturday, November 15, 2008

Bridal Shower Money Tree Invitation

mc happy day ..

All years ago in Uruguay the day on which the money of all bigmacs sold is donated to the foundation Peluffo Giguens , which is dedicated to raising funds for children with cancer.

is a very good idea because every year it raises more, people are always willing to donate as well mcdonalds also wins because in most cases bigmacs parents buy Happy Meals and they buy their children more ice cream and everything else ..

In Maldonado are 2 Mcdonalds in Maldonado center, facing the plaza, and shoping . In summer open another in full Gorlero , but the rest of the year closed.

The horrible truth is wanting to go to donate, because they are full of people, the tail is awesome, and that there are many people to help prepare the burgers, "famous" (though famous because here in Montevideo Maldonado not have known .. or if?) but informative for example, or school principals and all that ..

Every hour is impressive tail, but especially at night when people came to work and is the peak hour, and is always open until dawn.

I'm always the one I have to go do the endless queue and buy 5 or 6 combos for me and my family .. but this year I'm just not rugged .. what hurts .. my cousin was stabbed to which this time .. but just a had to go through there right on the bike and took the photos last time I also passed by the shoping but I started to take pictures .. I would have liked to go at night and take pictures of impressive tail block and toode people gathered in the square, (I swear ..) but hey I have been in bed with the leg up while my my cousin brought me big mac : P

The truth is so good to help ..

although more girls are really just so a hurry but they are delicious as


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