Thursday, November 6, 2008

Alot Of Mucus Days After Ovulation

book fair .. Halloween

A few days ago the book fair held in Maldonado, and I could not stop going to have something to post! haha

was good, had plenty of books, and there were several authors every day talking about their books.

went with the magician and blonde the other day .. the truth is that in these situations is that I realize what I am .. antisocial I love books but wanted to see you all there taanta people I did not like being there .. I saw one anyway in English from Truman Capote and I had to buy it, because I am a danger with silver top (I rather have a husband who would keep me have one that I give you run it with my salary and I do not of a penny, because between boots, skirt, books and goodies cost me TooDo the sueldoo).

Then I saw I, Robot Asimov, in English as well and as long ago as well I did want to taste ..

The magician bought a werewolf .. and the blonde one on sex .. (Not that weird?) On that sex is something in the mind .. we told him to buy the the Rampolla but we ignored it because, according to know what to do ..

And as always kill us "working" for posting: P

pd. yeah yeah .. took re few photos of the fair and top quality is horrible that he was busy with other things ..


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