Friday, November 21, 2008

How Long Does Lauren London Wears Her Hair?

gym on the beach

In stop 3 of the tame, compared to Conrad, there is outdoor space created especially for exercise .. is done just by Conrad ..

are some "stretchers" just very simple to do crunches .. what's good is that there are posters with instructions on how to exercise:

truth I do not .. I first saw it as regrettable, if ta made by the city government, but that makes the charitable Conrad? going to pay the water bill better: P having terrible gym and spa and have come to make this Beretta in front with signs that made them?

but then I started thinking and last're good to go with some friends and get to work and exercise outdoors, see if just the love of your life is on the beach and you shut up in a gym? : P

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Bridal Shower Money Tree Invitation

mc happy day ..

All years ago in Uruguay the day on which the money of all bigmacs sold is donated to the foundation Peluffo Giguens , which is dedicated to raising funds for children with cancer.

is a very good idea because every year it raises more, people are always willing to donate as well mcdonalds also wins because in most cases bigmacs parents buy Happy Meals and they buy their children more ice cream and everything else ..

In Maldonado are 2 Mcdonalds in Maldonado center, facing the plaza, and shoping . In summer open another in full Gorlero , but the rest of the year closed.

The horrible truth is wanting to go to donate, because they are full of people, the tail is awesome, and that there are many people to help prepare the burgers, "famous" (though famous because here in Montevideo Maldonado not have known .. or if?) but informative for example, or school principals and all that ..

Every hour is impressive tail, but especially at night when people came to work and is the peak hour, and is always open until dawn.

I'm always the one I have to go do the endless queue and buy 5 or 6 combos for me and my family .. but this year I'm just not rugged .. what hurts .. my cousin was stabbed to which this time .. but just a had to go through there right on the bike and took the photos last time I also passed by the shoping but I started to take pictures .. I would have liked to go at night and take pictures of impressive tail block and toode people gathered in the square, (I swear ..) but hey I have been in bed with the leg up while my my cousin brought me big mac : P

The truth is so good to help ..

although more girls are really just so a hurry but they are delicious as

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Buy Nike Freeks Wrestling Shoes

meme ..

Well eye passed me a meme .. and although I do not like these things as I do, because I liked to nominate me as well I did a similar before .. about 14 things that make me happy, and this is just .. 6 I'm as happy as I have many more than 20 so I'm going to name 6 things than those I named before ..

1) Link the person who invites us.
2) List 6 things that make us happy.
3) Tell the rules.
4) Choose to 6 people continue with the challenge.
5) Leave a comment on his blog.

what makes me happy:

1) Waking up and seeing the clock I realized that I can stay 5 minutes ..
2) Remove 15 or 20 photos to find a perfect like that I never tire of looking ..

(so well that the wallpaper I have: P)

3) know that in the closet I have the perfect dress should there be a last-minute appointment with the love of my life : P
4) nights of poker with my cousins \u200b\u200band my brothers:)
5) "the need for speed": P those seconds when driving, either by car or motorbike, where then you take and feel the wind speed and adrenaline and you feel free ..
6) to find a phrase, whether in song or in a text, those perfect phrases I had never heard before and feel like laws .. And

nominate: the Latin , Cesc , Anita , Nero , Karenvon and lost in life
if they want if they do not: P

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Alot Of Mucus Days After Ovulation

book fair .. Halloween

A few days ago the book fair held in Maldonado, and I could not stop going to have something to post! haha

was good, had plenty of books, and there were several authors every day talking about their books.

went with the magician and blonde the other day .. the truth is that in these situations is that I realize what I am .. antisocial I love books but wanted to see you all there taanta people I did not like being there .. I saw one anyway in English from Truman Capote and I had to buy it, because I am a danger with silver top (I rather have a husband who would keep me have one that I give you run it with my salary and I do not of a penny, because between boots, skirt, books and goodies cost me TooDo the sueldoo).

Then I saw I, Robot Asimov, in English as well and as long ago as well I did want to taste ..

The magician bought a werewolf .. and the blonde one on sex .. (Not that weird?) On that sex is something in the mind .. we told him to buy the the Rampolla but we ignored it because, according to know what to do ..

And as always kill us "working" for posting: P

pd. yeah yeah .. took re few photos of the fair and top quality is horrible that he was busy with other things ..

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Virtue Theory And Abortion Rosalind Hursthouse


bothers me greatly to celebrate Halloween here, is an American holiday! it's like in Italy began to celebrate night of nostalgia , no! Uruguay is the nostalgia!

course was young and I loved dressing up and give me chocolates: P I once won a prize and all of my produced terrible witch costume .. but ta to invent something else to do and no costume party Oct. 31 celebrating halloween! apart to see children through the streets dressed up when they have no idea which means Halloween ..

and I had no idea .. I knew I had something to do with the dead .. but hey thanks to wikipedia I learned that even the U.S. is not originally comes from the Celtic culture . The Celtic believed that the October 31 opening a portal between the living and the dead and the spirits came to take over the bodies of the living, then decorated their homes with horrible things to scare them away .. so they left and did not own anything (I say .. the dead will give fear an ugly decor?) and good at candy or trick up is another story .. on one of the dead (called Jack) who was terrible in life and death hdp was worse .. came and made you a deal if you did not accept the house set on fire or something .. Pumpkins what has to do with the legend of jack as the devil condemned to wander around with a flashlight (a candle inside a turnip) and only guide .. and to celebrate instead of turnips began making lanterns with pumpkin because it was easier ..

Halloween became popular in the world thanks to cinema and television .. from the movie Halloween of John Carpenter and all its sequels, really sets up popular as The Simpsons even showing how they celebrate Halloween in the U.S. and everyone looks like ..

my angers me ..

(poor artigas ..)

and I repeat I like the costumes and candy but I hate the commercialism, as with the Valentine's Day and every day of something .. I feel like anytime you begin to celebrate the July 4 U.S. Independence here too ..

what I like about Halloween were diablita accessories for my meez, now if you looked just like me .. haha well