Monday, January 31, 2011

Substituting Coconut Oil For Butter In Cookie


What if I say nothing?

Yes, it has to be this, the years, why talk is sometimes spare, sometimes, more. The awareness that I said, I say, what is not said never, never mind, after all. Mera policy, we, the speech. In other words, social thing. All that matters, when one looks the mirror-if you do, and if it does so without veils, "is what has been done. Complicated thing, when what is done is talk, say, tell. Or try.

five years has started in these pages to experience, symbols venture collections tested in principle by exercise, then not have another platform, after the habit, after all, at all, or almost. Other tribunes ordered, the usual ends up being boring exercise, I prefer it on paper. Of that you touch, smells and feels. That change, definitely, when he wrote, but then you erase or cross out what was said. Role of the good, the cheap or is at hand. Role of receiving what is imposed, but not always accepted. Paper, like yourself, like life: irreversible.

What I have said here that is valuable? For me, at the time, most of the pages, translation and broadcast included. At the time. For several days I've been reading them, leaving almost always after a few tens of minutes: past issues, situations resolved. And unresolved, of course. Few, indeed, I still like. And not always the least bad of the available in this space.

Some will even read these publications, perhaps. Some will remember them, sometimes serving him personal or error. Each one of those who have come to read. I barely reached to acknowledge, to recognize, in them. In all, come on. Acknowledge, yes, I was then, I've been, which I did not become. When you typed. And I like it. I love me thus formed. A trancazos, tumbling, thinking, even saying no avail. Although the above is useless and redundant. Yes, it must be that the reason why, years, I keep talking, but the word on, most of the time. Has to be that the reason why I do not give up.

Manuel Emilio Castillo Silva,
Lomas Verdes, on January 31 2011.


Mentidero of Fallacies. Virgilio Sofistófeles .

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dynorooz Bowling Shoes

'11 .01 '11 .04


I come to check my mail, and I find very flattering to discover that today I have only now come, others are also in the public coffee at this hour, but they are for me unknown, so forgettable in short, are not are, poof! as I will not have ever existed, in that are like God, that there is eternal. Most distressing, however, is to find with anyone or the lack of messages from people I expensive, but the messenger log on and see the sign categorical and definitive, poison dart, which alienates me: none of your contact is offline. Offline (2).

I spent much time outside the mail, even the messenger - is more appropriate to say that many who went in time were unrelated to e-mail, even more were the messenger, and now I no longer are foreign or not fully repeated in the absence these resources required the meeting, expected or wanted, it is expected desired and dear to whom it was expected or not expected at all, only matches. It would not be so serious or it is not exaggerate and in fact knew would not find at least one of those online contacts, the other to become pregnant would have been just coincidence, pleasant, nothing more. But that knowledge is what I bank to get him, what moves me most: the certainty that there will find something other than extreme coincidence chance this time he played against me god-like, relentless chess.

This chance of finding available without object, has me on tenterhooks. True that the absence is contingent sporadic, I have to hand the comfort of knowing that you think, and there-and so somehow we are always connected. But not much consolation with it, or not at all -Because you never know if you are thinking one, you never know if one also exists (even if God, if that.)

Two things arouse my concern at this time: namely the love of others, and know we shall not find, or not yet - like God, do not ever find it anywhere, it is everywhere. Grieves me to think that there is no point waiting, knowing that I will fall for this temptation last happens to oblivion.

Meanwhile, the lucidity live knowing that we are indeed as we are: no connection.

Sofistófeles Virgilio, to April 6, 2004.

Mentidero of Fallacies. Virgilio Sofistófeles .

Corrigan Everett Brent Watch


Since forever.
Series: Etnostófeles of my life.

Silvio Rodríguez.

Today is like the fourth time that I hope
since I know you will not come more than ever.
I returned to sing one of the downpour,
made quasi-legal, his hug your waist.
And you appear in my window, soft and small, with white wings,
I did not breathe, to sleep and not go. WHAT
Weird ways to remember you have one,
curious what ways
Today butterflies remember that yesterday were only smoke
Butterflies, butterflies, emerging from the dark.
Your time is now
a butterfly, white navecita

thin, nervous
Centuries ago, flooded one second
sky above the world.
Your time is now a butterfly

white navecita
nervous Delgada

Centuries ago flooded one second
under heaven above the world

( lira)

So were you in those funny evenings,
's furious and it was you, mate,
were like those days when you
life and everything you touch, it is spring
Ay, butterfly, you are the soul of warriors who love and sing
and you're the new being who looks down my throat
What stranger ways to remember
has a ways WHAT

butterflies remember today that yesterday were only smoke
that emerged from the dark silent Dancers

Your time is now a butterfly

thin white nervous
Centuries ago
flooded one second
Underneath the sky above the world

Your time is now a butterfly

navecita thin white
flooded a second
under heaven above the world

Your time is now a butterfly

white navecita
thin, nervous
flooded one second

under heaven over the world !!!!! OHHHH


Mentidero of Fallacies. Virgilio Sofistófeles .

Friday, January 28, 2011

Twisted Pelvis Treatment

Etnostófeles. Partial index. Etnostófeles

under construction. *********

Mentidero of Fallacies. Virgilio Sofistófeles .

Thursday, January 27, 2011

My Cat Has Mucus From Her Butt?

My city
Guadalupe Trigo.

chinampa My city is in a hidden lake, is zenzotle

looking at where to nest,
pinwheel that fools the eye when rotating.
Dance to
tequila and courage, is
rider risks life
on a canvas of life and color!

My city is the birthplace
of a sleeping child
is a forest of mirrors
raising a castle
monuments of glory
watch her walk is a sun
tufted and blanket
grain in the evening wears cowboy
and begins to sing of love!

the afternoon with rain bathes
his dark skin and unleashed

braids her sad eyes are closed

chinampa MI city is in a hidden lake is

mockingbird looking at where to nest,
rehilite that fools the eye by turning
Dance to
tequila and courage, is
rider risks life!

is a sun with a headdress and blanket
grain in the evening wears cowboy
and begins to sing the love
Dance to tequila and courage, is
rider risks life!

is a sun with a headdress and blanket
grain in the evening wears cowboy
and begins to sing the love!]

My City


Mentidero of Fallacies. Virgilio Sofistófeles .

Monday, January 24, 2011

Maxine Cartoons, Eat Your Colors

Etnostófeles '11 .03 '11 .02

This is so literary, so intense,

Enter Sandman Metallica.

Say Your Prayers, Little One,
do not forget my son
to include everyone!
I tuck you in, warm Within,
keep you free from sin,
'til the sandman I eat.

Sleep with one eye open, gripping
your pillow tight!

Exit light! Enter
Take my hand!
(We're) off to never-never land.

That's where! haha

Something's wrong, shut the light,
heavy thoughts tonight,
and they aren't of Snow White!
Dreams of war, dreams of liars,
dreams of dragon's fire,
and of things that will bite, yeah!

Sleep with one eye open,
gripping your pillow tight!
Exit light!
Enter night!
Take my hand!
(We're) off to never-never land!

(Wonderful guitar solo)

[Now I lay me down to sleep,]
[Now I lay me down to sleep,]
[pray the lord my soul to keep.]
[pray the lord my soul to keep.]
[If I die before I wake,]
[If I die before I wake,]
[pray the lord my soul to take.]
[Pray the lord my soul to take.]

Hush little baby, don't say a word,
and never mind that noise you heard.
It's just the beasts under your bed,
In your closet in your head!
Exit light!
Enter night!
Grain of sand!

Exit light!
Enter night!
Take my hand!
We're off to never-never land!

Heheheyeah! Alright

(A slaming bridge!)

We're off to never-never land
Take my hand!
We're off to never-never land
Take my hand! hahaha
We're off to never-never land

(Solo's ending)

that no grass is needed for travel.


Mentidero of Fallacies. Virgilio Sofistófeles .

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Plans For Lake Paddle Boats

Etnostófeles. 10.15 - 11.01

I Thought This Was really on Already,

I Stand Alone Godsmack

Now I've Told You this once before
you can't control me
if you try to take
me down you're gonna break
now I feel your every nothing that you're doing for me
I'm picking you out'a me
you run away

stand alone,
stand alone.

You're always hiding behind your so called goddess
So what you don't think that we can see your face
You resurrected back before the final fallen
now they've arrest utill I can make my own way
I'm not afraid
of fading
stand alone,
feeling your sting down inside of me I'm not dying for it
stand alone.
Everything that I believe is fading.
stand alone,
stand alone.

And now its my time,
(now its my time)
it's my time to dream.
(my time to dream)
Dream of the skies.
(dream of the sky)
Make me believe that this place is invadedby the poison in me.
Help me decide if my fire will burn out before you can breathe.
Breathe into me.

stand alone,
stand alone,
Feeling your sting down inside of me,
I'm not dying for it!
stand alone.
Everything that I believe is fading.
stand alone,
stand alone

alone Inside I stand alone


and certanlly It Was, yet here it goes again.

********* Mentidero of Fallacies. Virgilio Sofistófeles .

Monday, January 3, 2011

Smelly Urine After Intercourse Std

F. MD It only remains to fight. '11 .01


I have not really wanted to write, for so many reasons. The easiest, who plead that can not speak and never read these lines (obituary, funeral rites). Why, when it was over for someone, spend what is not wanted to give his time? But that is not a pretext, the easy excuse that conceals apathy, resentment, apathy, listlessness. Of course, merit has nothing to do. What merit I throw myself to talk about it? What based judge who does not deserve a few words, to decide who it the espresso? Since it is not merit-the deserve it, do not deserve to say them, I, "or to settle debts or compensation because they do not form part of any dialogue, why write? Perhaps, then, match the attention they have received, not yet want or expect, the reason for his death, although no one who has known both the read never-at least I hope, " circumstantially associated in the minds of others, the sympathy and condolence, addressed to me by mistake, I appreciate incomplete. Something is missing, as if those who knew her and grieve
omitted, or ignorant, will affectionate, determined, the person you speak (which I think is omitted, or ignored, to such person concerning only, " concealment will need to assert a link between those who remain alive?). That will still not be eager to write, I talk now, even if it costs.

complicated, talk to someone in this format without talking about myself.

Diana, was appointed in life, and she took that name, used it to name since I met him until I left to know, a few hours less than a hundred, nearly 72 of receiving the news. It was a beautiful woman, at 26 years, and it was at 20, and I suppose also before. Alegre, ready for life, committed to their own desires. I do not remember the event or occasion will not be shown in a modest-vanity-with great enthusiasm for something, even by the number present at the time, with each and every one of those to be treated. Complicated, no doubt that enthusiasm sometimes confusing to people: there were some who believed loved, when they condescended simply time between classes, and never beyond colloquial greeting. There were those who came to be loved, as they moved closer confusion confident in the ease of the conquest: none of them was straightforward-how would have been with someone who enjoys the wind blowing on the skin with the same intensity as year's most anticipated concert, "and yet those who succeeded, knew happiness. There were those who, without enjoying the delights of love of them all, by choice, fell within this category, "enjoyed his friendship, friendship bright and pleasant. And there were those who lost their chance. She, for all, was source of joy, human contact, happy. This seemed always natural, able to enjoy the solitude and, if he or plywood, to capitalize for their own affairs, with perseverance and dedication second to none, "was a person at ease with itself, hence, sympathetic to others.

Why, then, decided to cease to be?

know some details, rather few. Completely unaware of what might have thought the last few hours earlier. I fail to think of all of its reasoning further. But, it reached a glimpse, in his last words, which was not a fit, or a whim, or cowardice, nor. Quite the contrary. I see them, explaining his act before
(obituary funeral mortuary ritual) decision, courage, valor, security:

"I have no desire to live with it"

much I admired these days the final farewell. As the duel ends, I see this remains admiration for what they say, and what they imply. Have you ever talked to Camus and The Myth of Sisyphus, and I find their actual words and words of then not only words, but poured herself another unreservedly expressed. And while I have had conflicting feelings and emotions about it, I find I admire him, evocatively, by his conviction that as he pleases, even leaving therefore not be more pleased. Few people die for their taste, even less convinced. But here she died I am sure fully exercises his rights, the only human rights restricted: the right to die.

Manuel Emilio Castillo Silva,
Lomas Verdes, on January 4, 2011.


Mentidero of Fallacies. Virgilio Sofistófeles .

Polaris Indy Xtra 10 Spring Adjuster Blocks


Home of Transmission. *********

Mentidero of Fallacies. Virgilio Sofistófeles .