Friday, April 10, 2009

Sims 2 University Nocd

We started (August 2002)

He said that the principles are never easy, had every reason in the world, and ourselves, not to be outdone and not being contrary, we have also fallen into the topic.

To get where we are, if we are somewhere, has made us need to burn nearly a year over the corresponding days, removing course, all those that have been enough, in which we have not done or the egg, either because this was not seen right direction from the start, or because the few who were inside the group - almost the same as now - we entered the negligence catchy and we decided to absolute idleness in all its terms. And after forming the association and put his moniker and all, because to get a journal is to publish it through a partnership and if not, there's your aunt, where they put more effort to pull this off was in the bars, you know, those places that speak more of the account and gives people in fix the problems in the world with little fine ways.

However, there is no evil or good that last forever, and after this period of uncertainty and clandestine talks, we got down to work and as we do not want the thing, and we finally, and oddly enough in the words of Papa Levante these, our first magazine in the street. Eventually

are not in vain purposes, and ours are none other than the approach through the written word all of you, to create a latent communication link that unites us for a while, albeit short, to free mode point of all this variety of thoughts and reflections that we have inside for someone to read, to try and then if it happens, why not also criticize, trying not to clip the wings of the opinions of others and, ultimately, somehow represent the people's voice, which lately seems to be drowning in its own silence and cover the ears with the usual noise.

It's just clarify that the period of circulation of Punto y Aparte, the name of the magazine, if anyone still walking around clueless, is of two magazines a year. One for the fair (August) and one for Christmas (December). It is also my duty to report that, anyone who is interested in writing in our magazine, you can do without any problem, provided, of course, writing the article or post does not slip out of context or its contents serve to crush someone in particular. Certain things can be written in many ways and therefore should not fall into vulgarity or as
easier to say. Nor anonymous support, not for anything, but any suggestions of others, and I understand. We do not want articles ailments have not left our hands.

And finally, only gratitude expresarmi all those people who have contributed directly or indirectly for this comes to light, because without them there could have been thirsty place. And of course, to all of you who are, in short, patients will be readers who will decide, cadacual with their particular approach, whether it's worth the effort or whether it would be more advisable to stay very still, dedicated to other matters.

Nothing, I said, until the next, hoping at least it will enjoy it and not get bored reading it and do not stay Smallfry on the couch, and if so ... because we're going to do a bit of sleep ... not hurt.

Jesus Doctor.


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