Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Throbbing Behind Right Ear

Hookah King ..

In Maldonado one of the most important historic sites is "Hookah King" ..

was, since colonial times, the source of drinking water for the entire population of the city .. until the early twentieth century

name of King hookah is because it was the state .. Hispanic at the time ..

Washerwomen gathered there to ply their trade (ay.. Machismo ..) and did a few years ago a monument about that ..

also painted the walls and reformed several things ..

There is a legend about the hookah:

In spring a small tribe of charrúas was established in the area. sought this region because at that time was good for fishing and hunting, abundant fresh water that came in crystal eyes and kind as God's Tupa. In the Indian tribe had two children called Timbo-Guazú (strong tree) and Guidaí (moonlight). Timbo-Guazú was destined to be the head of his tribe, was twelve years old and already had the body of a great charrúa, his look was calm and deep, his head erect, his arms already had the pot ncia of his father and jaguar skin covering it had been works given by his hands. At the time of the cold and rain to Timbo we played with children of their age or yudaba his father in hunting, but when LLE Gaban the d ies cute and returned to the sands , walked all day with Guidaí, his close friend Indian, frail as a reed, sweet and soft as feathers uru. The children did was go find a water hole, theirs, small but crystal clear. Its water, so pure, it was white and called it: I-Morotí (white water). Nobody knew him, was a secret they had very young, was always first Guidaí, Timbo became the lost or disoriented, to feel the pleasure of hearing the joyful cry of his friend IUF: Timbo Timbo-Guazú ... ...! I-Morotí ...! Guidaí that year could not go on the last day to Be ber of I-Morotí, because his father decided to march before the rest of the tribe. Days later, sad espidió d Timbó of white water. Ll ego winter The tribe believed to have received the yarará , which is the wrath of God Añá , the god of evil, because and Guidaí, sweet Indian girl, the more bo charrúa nita, died of sadness ... is God gave to Tupa. Timbo went to her friend dying, his eyes were weeping warrior but his throat had a lump that does not speak of jaba. largamen Guidaí looked and you just said ... Timbo! Moro I you ...! That night Timbó disappeared from his camp, and running along the river sweet set off to find his secret source. A bowl filled with water when derepente sits in front of him one-parameter tinue and says, "Run-Guazú Timbó to bring water to Guidaí and rest assured that you will heal ... d and know that it has Tupa said the great one who drinks this water stays or returns ... "Guidaí was saved with the I-Morotí water, the tribe refused to drink the water of God Tupa, spent much time and ... no one spoke of returning to old hunting grounds. Is that I-M orotí met the fate that imposed the god of good, "He who drinks from your water stays or comes back ..."
This tender
legend (which hardly anyone knows ..) that remained as a legend is: who drinks water from the Himba Cac King stays or returns to Maldon ado.

What's cute, too, is the park which is opposite to it.

is an ordinary park but cute:)

board has ta-te-ti and the little square hopscotch as Punta but much smaller ..

has hammocks


a sandy ..


tables to eat

and stools .. Something

Monday, August 4, 2008

Facebook Picnik Love Quotes

Maldonado fast food ..

typical Maldonado are "cushy positions " or "carts " of food are everywhere ..

as my friend naty in Montevideo no carts hot dogs and just put it all at the same price, and all I mean all boiled egg, grated cheese, mushrooms .. to potato chips ! the truth that is buenisimo , one goes through the center and gets over the hunger and see the kids coming out of law school that the mother would buy a hot dog and one you crave .. and there is one every 2 feet overhead ..

are also churro carts .. god .. mm chocolate filling ..


fried cake .. though few .. good and fried cake suddenly appear out of nowhere selling everywhere rainy days ..

and Sunday at the fair include sausage carts .. good in the show is about everything until caramel apple ..

but I think the best thing in fast food Maldonado here in is "Cricket" is also an ice cream "cart " hamburgers, hot dogs, " tortugones " (which is like a giant hamburger cut into 4 to 2 people and you can put it all .. Creole chimichurri, mushrooms, etc. ..) and I think there are also sausages, but the burgers are better .. but best of this place is right in the center and open Maldonado anytime! I think I've never been closed ..

notice that this post is dedicated to you (no name you escrachar Non .. but you know you who you are ..) you ever wanted to know where getting sausages, good because you know for when you walk around here .. not be as sheathing and avisame if andás here and I'll go with you: P

and I thank my friend the magician which is a idol and helped me in depth research and photos