Friday, August 21, 2009

Remote Car Starter For Manual Transmission

that excite ugly as people ... Museum

Like all know August 24 is celebrated every year in our country "night of nostalgia "(I can not believe that wikipedia explain it! ja) where all the clubs, pubs, including restaurants, spend 70's music to be nostalgic. It's something that is great for older people clear because for young people is a night where everything goes more expensive and is a plunger full of old, but good for that there are 2 or 3 that always make an "anti-nostalgia."

Anyway this post was not thinking about the night of nostalgia but something about it that has me worried ...

turns out that since the beginning of the month I've seen TOO premises where they sell lingerie ads on the night of nostalgia , glass full of red garter or black lace thong to wear on the night of nostalgia ...

I say: you have to do? it is okay to make up for selling anything, but even sell underwear to buy 70 and get nostalgic, not make them sexy panties buy the poor old women who go out dancing once a year, so that when they return pulled out the dress and told her husband: "love, want to remember old times?" and if the husband is set to seriously remember old times and remember how good it was before as was his wife and now, I do not have the desire to please ...

So finally, I feel awful as they excite people, because I've only seen the advertisements in all local, but all the old with the red pants in hand ... : S

hopefully never happens ...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Grecian Invitation Design


Como sigue siendo habitual y por estas fechas, nuestra revista Punto y aparte –por supuesto, la vuestra también-, ya se encuentra en la calle. Un nuevo número –el nº 16, esto va “p´adelante”…- ya ha dado a luz, después de siete meses de trabajo y dedicación por esta causa.
Desde el pasado viernes 7 de agosto la nueva entrega de Punto y aparte ya está repartida por los mostradores o estantes de los establecimientos donde siempre y normalmente la llevamos. Por ello, y para que no caiga en el olvido, dar las gracias a los dueños de todos estos establecimientos. Gracias por su ayuda desinteresada, por aguantarnos dos veces al año y por hacer que la revista se distribuya y esté más readily available to everyone.
And lest we not forget, our appreciation to all those people who work in point and besides, those who by their writings or articles, make this take place and possible. In short, and that nobody is left in the pipeline, thanks to all those who in one way or another, put their two cents and pitch in this Association and its magazine.
For this blog I will show something like this new number, not too much, because neither a matter of planting the whole magazine, because as you can imagine and imagine, this would lead to remove him as the virtual and the real importance. And we, at least, we are satisfied by many reasons to point and separate the paper, the flesh and blood, which can play and have hands, you get all that. Let's hope so and thanks to all readers.

Titles of the articles that you can find in the different sections
Full stop No. 16


Reading: a journey inside ourselves
serotonin paradigms
"monkey man descend?
gray crystal glasses
violence Chat
deprivatize gender between the autocrat and Don Tancredo Pancracio the empirical
Passion for Football

OUR STUFF: Football in Villaviciosa
, our disappointments and Jang
In my limited intelligence

Considerations Confessions and reflections on school education mothers: teaching landscape

Four photographs framed in our people and their environment. Image, 1931, 1956 1961 and 1964.

THE ROSE AND THE THISTLE: Two color photos
considered as roses, and two color also considered thistles.

Photo of 29 children born in Villaviciosa last year.

The classics of Greece and Rome that no longer read (1)

ORDINARY PEOPLE: The living are dead

A handwriting:
Sayings, phrases and other things The lectern
language: Lao-tse
A dream as real as life itself
knew of curiosity ...
Stories for reflection: Happiness Corner
poetic silence Damn, our grandparents, Natural Park, Sleep Ibiza

sociological study
Survey data held on the magazine stop.

study of patients at risk of skin damage. Pressure ulcers (PU)

The day our daily bread

Cannes Film Festival

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Caedite Eos! Nobit Enim Dominus Qui Sunt Eius

Nothing, thank you for your feedback. The tasting was a project to raise funds for the Association. It was held in the municipal house and we have the group you can see in the blog. We hope to do it next year and be able to count on your presence. A greeting.