Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Kates Playground For Mobile

Sorry for the delay in show you some pictures of the night's tasting. But serve as an excuse saying they say ... better late than never.
2001 Generation Cultural Association wants to thank everyone who attended that night and also thank to all that with their collaboration, have somehow made this project has been carried out. Thanks.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

My Period Is Due And My Cervix Is Soft

Beer Tasting ANDALUZ

On Saturday July 18, after 23 h. in the municipal marquee:

Great Tasting Beer and performance of the group of Blues and Jazz "Up to the Blazz."

Over 30 different types of beer, domestic and import.

Organizers: Generation Cultural Association 2001.

Supported by: City Council Villaviciosa de Córdoba.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

80s Aerobics Instructor


Andaluz Awards Video Contest IX for the Prevention of Drug Dependence, organized by the IES the Clerk. (May 2009)

Contest organized by the IES THE CLERK-now in its ninth edition, "offers the possibility to students of secondary schools develop Andalusia, in audio, its own program to prevent drug use and opt for a healthy life.

Here you can view all winners.


First prize IES Sta Rosa de Lima. Córdoba

Will not You Controls ..

Runner IES Francisco J. Uriarte. Puerto Santa Maria. Cadiz

Drugs are not friends.

Third prize CC Ave Maria. Granada

Blindness Drug

Accésit Fuensanta IES. Córdoba

N o Te Hooks.

Education Award José Nogué Art Escape. Jaén

Lessons Gr amethyst I

Grammar Lessons


health Award IES The Write ana. Villaviciosa. Córdoba

Philosophy Cuart or bath.

deputation Award IES Castillo de Luna. Rota. Cadiz

Drugs Are Not The Q What makes me eu.

Finalist IES Maestro Fco fool. Ubrique. Cádiz.

s not Make That Your Life turns Black.

Finalist IES The Clerk. Villaviciosa bear. Córdoba

Invest In Life.

Finalist IES Fuente Lucena. Alhaurín and l Gr ande. Malaga

Do not Lose Your Freedom.

Finalist IES Nestor Alm endros. Tomares. Sevilla.

Why Not Now?.

Finalist IES Padre Juan Ruiz. Hinojosa del Duque. Córdoba

De Aq Uelle Way.

Finalist IES Sta Rosa of Lima. Córdoba

is Real.

VIDEO COMPETITION IX. Participating schools by province


  1. IES LA Puebla. La Puebla de Vicar. Almería

  2. IES José Marín.Vele z Rubio. Almeria

  3. IES Sto Domingo. Chosen. Almería


  1. Ceip Madrigal and Radial. Benaudalla Vélez. Granada.salud

  2. IES Manuel Ca nied. Zafayona Moraleda. Granada.

  3. CC

    Ave Maria. Granada


  1. Professor Isidoro Sánchez IES. Ga Mála

  2. IES Fuente Lucena. Alhaurín el Grande. Malaga


  1. IES Barrameda. Sanlúcar de Barrameda air (Cadiz)

  2. IES Castillo de Luna. Route. Cadiz

  3. IES Kursaal. Algeciras.Cádíz

  4. IES Francisco J. Uriarte. Puerto Santa Maria. Cadiz

  5. IES Maestro Fco Fatu Others Ubri that. Cadiz.


  1. IES Blas Infante. He Vis the Alcor him. Seville

  2. IES Velazquez. Sevilla

  3. IES Nestor Almendros. Tomares. Sevilla

  4. Holiche IES. Olivares. Sevilla

  5. IES Los Alcores. Mairena del Alcor. Sevilla

  6. Cantillana IES. Cantillana. Sevilla.



  1. José Nogué Art Escape. Jaén


  1. IES Padre Jua n Ruiz. H Inojosa del Duque. Córdoba

  2. IES García Méndez. El Carpio. Córdoba

  3. IES Felipe Solis. Cabra. Córdoba

  4. Fuensanta IES. Córdoba

  5. IES Cecilio Jimenez. El Viso. Córdoba

  6. IES Ntra Sra de la Estrella. Villa del Rio. Córdoba

  7. Ategua IES. Castro del Ri or Córdoba

  8. IES El T Abler o. Córdoba

  9. IES Pay Arias. Mirror. Córdoba

  10. IES Sta R osa lime. C Ordo b to

  11. IES The Clerk. Villaviciosa. Córdoba

have been prese NTAD 72 videos

31 centers have participated in the provinces of Almería, Granada, Malaga, Cadiz, Seville, Jaen and Cordoba. The

Prizes are

  • First prize 600 euros

  • Runner 300 e uros

  • Third prize 150 euros

  • Accésit


  • Award No special Delegació Health 600 euros

  • Special Award for Education Delegation

    600 euros
  • Special Award

    600 euros Diputación de Córdoba

  • 5 finalists diploma

The screening of the finalists and the awards ceremony was held on Wednesday 20 May at 18:30 in the auditorium of the Casa de la Cultura de Villaviciosa de Córdoba.

Signed: Francisco J. Rueda García Director of IES


The Creator and Coordinator

Andaluz Video Contest for the Prevention of Drug Addiction