Wednesday, May 13, 2009

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On day kicked off May 6 acts that would open the Book Fair Villaviciosa . Point and part was in various events to be held on the occasion of this feria. Uno de ellos fue la presentación del libro “El óxido del Cielo” del ya conocido escritor Alejandro López Andrada , el cual hemos contado con su presencia en más de una ocasión.También estuvo con nosotros la escritora Araceli S. Franco , la que nos deleitó recitando algunos poemas de su nuevo libro,"Años Luz". Desde aquí, apoyar este tipo de eventos y animar a todas las personas a asistir a ellos. Un saludo

Sunday, May 10, 2009

How Long Will A Timber Retaining Wall Last?


Since I wrote the first editorial, which can be read at the beginning this blog, have passed or been nearly seven years. This editorial, written with emotion, enthusiasm, drive and above all, with great enthusiasm, was also a welcome greeting and a project called Full stop. The truth is that it was this: only one project, an idea that was carried out with certain difficulties, not least obstacles, but finally saw the light on a hot summer.

That project or initiative that has required years to its root, grow, flower and bear fruit. Almost everything in life takes time to establish, create, train somehow. Everything takes time and try to force and to advance the development of specific events, I believe, is to open the way to a path that inevitably will not get anywhere, except a secured decay.

Point After seven years and apart, I guess you can say we are somewhere. And that location, place or site, is simply to be next. Beside what we set out at first, alongside all those who want to be with us next to a cultural evolution of the written word, by a voice of freedom. Next to ... anything that can motivate our way stoning go with understanding, freedom of opinion and thoughts.

I can assure you, dear readers, well, bloggers, as I write this blog with one month old little that his words are with all the enthusiasm in the world, and that illusion is making the same as seven years ago . Therefore, just tell them that here it is. We hope that these pages, but not many yet neither of paper-things-technology, like them. Little by little we putting things and including new entries, all in relation to our magazine, his too-and all that is or is somehow related to culture. As always, and as I reviewed many times in the magazine, the doors are open. Open to doubt, for any comments you want to make, suggestions or criticisms that we want to send. Regarding the comments, as you say, can make that wish, however, those who are out of context, the line of the magazine, go bad milk, or particular individuals have no tolerance will not be published . Let's not freedom of expression unexpression camp.

Let the words and images on this blog that has just been born, to accompany them for a while, and that while, we keep them together if possible for mutual entertainment, and half related ideas and a respect for people , to knowledge, and word understanding. Doctor Jesus

Sunday, May 3, 2009

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Photos published in the magazine n º 4.